Had a busy weekend. Managed to reach all my 10 mile targets during the week, even with a mad dash to get out on Friday night (quite an incentive to go quicker and I improved on my time!).
Saturday was ski fit day which should also help the biking because of the focus on balance and strengthening the quads. It was hard work but great fun - a proper workout!
Sunday was my first crack at 30miles and I had enlisted the help of my friend Mark. It was pouring with rain as I headed to his house, but I decided to go anyway and hope that it cleared up. Well, clear up it did, so we set off (me without my waterproof jacket) but then it started to rain good and proper!
We kept at it and made it from Maidenhead to Reading, covering 17.5 miles. We stopped for a quick bite to eat and to warm up and then braced ourselves to do the return journey. However, Mark's bike had a flat and despite pumping it up, it just deflated again. It wasn't going to be much fun to try and fix in the pouring rain (and now a horrid wind!), so we decided to call it a day and get the train back to Maidenhead and walk home.
It was a little disappointing not to have done the 30 miles, but I was really pleased with how comfortable 17.5 miles felt and I'm confident I could have made 30!
Here's a photo just after lunch, smiling despite being freezing cold and very damp! (photo courtesy of Mark)